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The CyberAILawyer is a highly accomplished IT expert with a remarkable track record of over 20 years in technical disciplines and management, showcasing exceptional leadership abilities. CyberAILawyer has spearheaded and actively contributed to numerous international projects in a wide range of IT industries, spanning over 15+ countries. Has been crafting innovative solutions and driving technological advancements across various sectors, such as retail, telecommunications, banking, and astronomy. Throughout journey of CyberAILawyer, had the privilege of working closely with esteemed CEOs, CTOs, and product owners collaborating on strategic initiatives and providing invaluable solutions that optimize product development and operational efficiency. CyberAILawyer has a comprehensive comprehension of AI/ML algorithms, data analysis, and predictive modelling, allowing him to utilize these technologies to improve cybersecurity practices. CyberAILawyer extensive knowledge of cybersecurity includes network security, application security, cloud security, incident response, and Cyber Law expert. With proficiency in AI/ML and RPA automation, CyberAILawyer brings a forward-thinking perspective which emphasizes the role of these technologies in addressing cybersecurity challenges. Expertise encompasses cyber laws, such as the IT Act 2000, copyrights, trademarks, and patents, in addition to the Contract Act, Evidence Act, and IPC (Indian Penal Code). In addition to extensive experience in IT and cybersecurity, CyberAILawyer has spent many years researching quantum computing, an emerging discipline with enormous potential. CyberAILawyer is a regarded astrologer with more than 15 years of experience in the field of Astrology Science. CyberAILawyer’s profound comprehension of astrology encompasses numerous methodologies, including Parashar/Jaimini Astrology, KP Astrology, Naadi Astrology, Astro Vastu, and Palmistry. CyberAILawyer has made important contributions to the discipline and even created proprietary astrology software. Have dedicated over a decade developing an exceptional astrology software that functions like a Human Astrologer. The software generates accurate horoscopes and provides comprehensive analyses and forecasts. Meticulously verified inputs given to the software, ensuring its reliability and precision. In addition to extensive knowledge of astrology, is an expert in gemmology. With an in-depth knowledge of gemstones, Rudraksha and their astrological significance, CyberAILawyer can provide invaluable insights into the use of gemstones along with Rudraksha for enhancing personal well-being and leveraging positive energies.CyberAILawyer has published multiple books spreading across multiple domains i.e. Ashwini Nakshatra, Music Remedy Healing, Rudraksha & Gemstones, Quantum Computing, Cyber Security, Cyber Unmasked.

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What Readers has to Say......

A must read book by all. So far amongst all books on nakshatra, I recommend this book which covers almost all aspects of Ashwini nakshatra.
Amazon Customer
This book comprehensively covers the basics of Cyber Security and also touches intricacies of the subject. The best part of this read is that it talks about real world scenarios with the help of examples and case studies. Definitely recommended!
Amazon Customer
Have gone through the sample book and it looks promising to my liking. Looking forward for the hard copy of the book to be launched. Would be eagerly waiting for the same. Whether you're an astrology enthusiast, a music lover, or simply someone seeking a fresh perspective on holistic healing.
Amazon Customer
Congratulations to the author for creating such a wonderful resource! 'AstroHarmony: Music Remedies for Healing and Wellness' is a harmonious blend of astrology and music, providing unique remedies for enhancing well-being. #Wellness #AstrologyBook
Amazon Customer