
In the intricate tapestry of Naadi Astrology, celestial bodies hold a profound influence on the destinies of individuals and the world at large. Among these celestial luminaries, the Sun, known as “Surya” in Sanskrit, stands as a radiant beacon, casting its brilliance upon all aspects of existence. In this blog, we embark on a journey to unravel the enigmatic attributes of Surya, offering insight into its multifaceted significance in astrology, mythology, and everyday life.

1. Atma (Soul) and Pitru (Ancestral)

At the very core of Surya’s essence lies the soul, the “Atma.” It is the divine spark within each of us that connects to the cosmic whole. Simultaneously, Surya represents the ancestral lineage, acknowledging the eternal bond between father and son.

2. The Illuminator

Surya’s intrinsic nature is one of brightness, energy, and brilliance. As the source of light and warmth in our solar system, it symbolizes progress and enlightenment on both the individual and collective levels.

3. The Ruler’s Right Hand

In the celestial hierarchy, Surya assumes the role of the king’s prime minister. It signifies leadership, authority, and governance, extending its influence to heads of state, presidents, and ruling political parties.

4. Governing the Material World

Surya is the celestial governing factor in life and the material world. Its radiance guides us in navigating the complexities of existence, shedding light on our earthly path.

5. Influence on Eminent Personalities and Government

Eminent personalities often bear the mark of Surya’s influence in their astrological charts. Likewise, government decisions and policies are influenced by the celestial sway of Surya, akin to the workings of a king’s court.

6. Lord of Leo, Exalted in Aries, Debilitated in Libra

In the zodiac, Surya reigns as the lord of Leo, where its regal energy shines most brilliantly. It finds its exaltation in Aries, signifying its peak potency, while its debilitation in Libra underscores the delicate balance of its influence.

7. The Five Rays of Surya

Surya is believed to emanate five rays, each carrying a unique energy. These rays are the embodiment of Surya’s multifaceted influence on our lives.

8. Language and Consorts

In the linguistic and mythological realms, Surya’s language is Telugu and Sanskrit. It shares its divine journey with consorts Usha and Pratyusha, adding depth to its mystical narrative.

9. The Cosmic Circle

Surya’s asana, or seat, is symbolically represented as a circle, signifying the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth.

10. Kalan (Kala): The Son

Surya’s progeny is known as Kalan, representing the perpetuation of life and the passage of time.

11. Gotra: Kashyapa

Surya is linked to the Kashyapa gotra, connecting it to the lineage of the ancient sage Kashyapa.

12. Hiranyashtupa: The Sage

The celestial sage Hiranyashtupa is closely associated with Surya, contributing to the intricate web of its mythology.

13. State: Kalinga

Surya finds its presence in the state of Kalinga, adding geographical significance to its cosmic journey.

14. Causes of Death and Childlessness

High fever, bile-related ailments, and the influence of weapons are considered as potential causes of death, while childlessness may result from curses of Lord Shiva, one’s father, or even Garuda.

15. Avatara: Sri Rama

Surya is revered as the divine source behind the incarnation of Lord Rama, embodying the Rajasic qualities of passion, strength, and action.

16. Metal: Copper

Copper, a metal with significant conductivity, symbolizes the conductive power of Surya’s radiance.

17. Taste: Pungent

Surya’s influence extends to our taste preferences, favoring the pungent flavor.

18. Red Lotus and Worship

The red lotus is the chosen flower for worshipping Surya. Sandal paste, Rudraksha beads, and wheat are used in Surya’s worship rituals.

19. Dwelling in Light

Surya thrives in places of worship, open areas bathed in sunlight, forests, deserts, forts, and especially in the sanctified precincts of Shiva temples.

20. Animal Associations

Surya’s influence extends to a diverse array of animals, including the she-goat, tiger, deer, lion, bull, and the majestic goose bird.

21. Arboreal Connections

Surya’s dominion includes trees such as Arka/Jilledu, thorny varieties, wheat crops, bhilva trees, and the sacred rudraksha.

22. Vastu Considerations

In Vastu, Surya is positioned on the right side of windows and in the middle of the East, aligning architecture with its cosmic energies.

23. Impact on Health

Surya governs the skeletal and cardiovascular systems, spinal cord, head, heart, and eyes. It is associated with ailments affecting the right eye in males and the left eye in females, as well as other health issues like headaches, fever, digestive disorders, heart ailments, and more.

24. Summer’s Embrace

Surya’s season is the scorching summer, known as “Grishma,” aligning with its fiery nature.

25. Caste: Kshatriya

Surya is associated with the warrior caste, reflecting qualities of valor and leadership.

26. Elemental Affiliation

Surya’s element is fiery, symbolizing its radiant energy and the color red that is often associated with it.

27. Gemstone: Ruby

The radiant ruby is the gemstone attributed to Surya, reflecting its brilliance and vibrancy.

28. Education and Learning

Surya encourages the pursuit of knowledge in political science, social science, administration, medicine, and languages such as Sanskrit and Telugu. It also promotes the study of Vedas, representing spiritual enlightenment.

29. Animals and Plants: Oak Tree

Surya’s cosmic influence extends to the majestic oak tree.

30. Spice and Flavor

Spices such as saffron, pepper, ginger, wheat germ, cardamom (ilachi), cloves, cinnamon, and cumin seeds align with Surya’s pungent taste preferences.

31. Culinary Choices

Surya’s culinary preferences encompass foods like chapati, roti, poori, upma, buns, bread, and biscuits, reflecting its practical and nourishing nature.


As we navigate the intricate web of Naadi Astrology, the radiant presence of Surya emerges as a guiding force in our lives. It encompasses the very essence of existence, from the soul’s journey to the governance of nations, from the brilliance of light to the subtleties of health and taste. In understanding the mystical attributes of Surya, we gain insight into the cosmic dance of celestial bodies that shape our world and our destinies.

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