1. A fracture may be indicated when the Sun aligns with the Moon, Saturn, and Mars in the 8th, 5th, or 9th houses.
  2. The 10th house hosting a conjunction of Rahu, Saturn, and Mercury suggests a potential for bone fractures.
  3. The 6th house pairing of the Moon and Mars hints at a possible connection to bone-related issues.
  4. A fracture risk may arise when the Sun and Mars in the 3rd house are influenced by Saturn’s aspect.
  5. The combination of Saturn in the 2nd house, Moon in the 4th house, and Mars in the 10th house could be astrologically linked to bone fractures.
  6. Bone-related concerns might be indicated with the Moon in the 2nd house, Mars in the 4th house, and Sun in the 10th house.
  7. Moon placed in Saturn’s house, hemmed between malefic influences, may suggest a predisposition to bone-related issues in this astrological configuration.

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